Q: When is the pool open & what are the hours?
A: The pool is open 7 days a week, 11am to 7pm. Every other Wednesday Night is designated for Family Night. Check our Calendar for the Family Nights! The pool is open until 9:45pm on these nights for all members to swim. There is usually concessions available for purchase or a fun theme to the evening.
Q: What happens when there is bad weather?
A: In the event of bad weather, the pool will close down. When thunder is heard or lightning is seen within 30 seconds of each other, the guards will clear the pool of all swimmers. If, in 30 minutes, nothing more has been seen or heard, swimmers will be allowed back into the pool. If the temperature dips to 65 degrees and/or there is severe rain, thunder, or lightning, the pool will close down and all swimmers will be sent home. The pool is not responsible for children if it closes due to bad weather.
Q: Do you offer Swimming Lessons?
A: Yes, Swimming Lessons are offered for an additional cost .There are tentatively 3 sessions that are scheduled throughout the summer. Please check out the Calendar on the Events page. The pool is guarded during open swim, but not during swim lessons. All guards are busy with their classes during this time. Parents and care-givers are responsible for their children who are not in classes at that time. The pool will not open and lessons will not be given if the outside temperature is 60 degrees or below. On days when you question whether lessons will take place, please call the pool (719) 392-6832 before coming.
Q: Do you offer pool parties?
A: Yes, pool parties can be scheduled during the day or in the evening. Pool parties are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Please review the Pool Party Contract & Prices. Please turn in the Contract to the Lifeguards at the Shack. Evening Pool Parties CAN NOT be scheduled on Wednesday Nights due to Family Night.
Q: What are the pool Rules?
A: The Pool Rules are posted at the pool. Please note that guards may remove Members or their guest from the pool if they continually break the rules or cause problems.
Q: Do you offer guest tickets?
A: Yes, we offer guest tickets. Members are allowed to bring 5 guest to the pool per membership. Anyone entering the pool complex is required to pay the entrance fee, regardless if they are swimming or not. Guest entrance fee is $7.00 per guest per day. Discounted guest ticket punch passes are also available at the Shack.
Q: Do I need to sign my guest in?
A: To comply with liability insurance, members are responsible for their guest and MUST accompany them at all times. Please remember to always sign yourself and your guest in. Once your guest has been signed, we will provide a wrist band for your guest.
Q: Are you allowed to bring in food?
A: Yes, you can bring in food and drinks. Please DO NOT bring any glass or ceramic containers. We provide snacks that can be purchased at the Shack. You can buy a $10.00 punch pass at the Shack. Please be sure that you and your children pick up and dispose of your own garbage. There are trash cans available and an aluminum recycling bin for pop cans.
Q: Do you have a baby pool?
A: Yes, we have a baby pool. Only children age 5 and under may swim in the baby pool. All children in the baby pool must be accompanied by an adult or care-giver. Children age 3 and under must wear a swim diaper. Disposable diapers are not allowed in the pool. Swim diapers are available to purchase at the Shack.
Q: Does my child have to take a Deep-End Test?
A: Yes, the deep-end test is a test that we require for a child 12 and under to be able to swim in the deep end of the pool and to use the diving board. To pass this test, the child must be able to swim the width of the pool and back and also tread water for a minimum of 60 seconds. A lifeguard must give the deep end test annually.
Q: Where are the bathrooms & showers located?
A: The bathroom and showers are located downstairs. You need to bring your own towels and other pool items. There are no lockers available. S.A.A. Family Pool is not responsible for lost or stolen items from the pool.
Q: Does the pool have chairs?
A: Yes, we have a limited amount of chairs that are first come first serve. However, you are allowed to bring in your own chairs also.